Refer to post below for details. Cabbed to Tampines mall to find ashley after the 4L movie outing. Actually... only a few girls were there. He's just not that into you is kinda funny and Jennifer aniston is still very hot O:
Met Eirene and Ashley near fie japan (in tm!). Eirene left shortly after that to meet her friends while the both of us walked to interchange macs. & Ashley's new phone is weely pwetty!
Reflection? HMM
On our way, we saw these kiddy games @ pasar malam and decided to play! We shared the 3 bucks for 50 pingpong balls ;D VERY ENTERTAINING!!!
I tried to take a shot of the ball shooting out of the chimney thing but it was alittle difficult cause it was too fast for my camera to capture. Yeah, there's air shooting out of that hole.
:D landing into the 3 bonus point hole!
There's pokemon figurines here but they were playing totoro music at the background haha! (DO YOU SEE THE BALL AT THE BACK)
146 points!
Uncle: "uncle 这么老了还要拍!"
Pooh stickers we won ;D (and shared into half after that. I got the gigantic pooh after a round of scissorspaperstone!)
By then, it was already....10:35 or something.
Ordered a medium double chocolate chip and medium fries.
then we left the place at 11:10 pm cause ashley had to catch the train! (I think train service stops at 11:30 on weekdays)
I found this in the toilet cubicle yesterday! and no, it wasn't dirty. I don't suppose anybody wants it anymore since it was at some weird place, hmm :/
I can still remember my bio facts! I'd choose h1 bio over maths ANYTIME but sigh, heavy combi. Think all of you should be familiar with this SPERM right ;D
Groan I'm hungry, tata!
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